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สหราชอาณาจักรบริเตนใหญ่และไอร์แลนด์เหนือ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Flag of the United Kingdom




The court hearing a petition for divorce shall not hold the marriage to have broken down irretrievably unless the petitioner satisfies the court of one or more of the following facts, that is to say

(a) that the respondent has committed adultery and the petitioner finds it intolerable to live with the respondent

(b) that the respondent has behaved in such a way that the petitioner cannot reasonably be expected to live with the respondent

(c) that the respondent has deserted the petitioner for a continuous period of at least two years immediately preceding the presentation of the petition

(d) that the parties to the marriage have lived apart for a continuous period of at least two years immediately preceding the presentation of the petition (hereafter in this Act referred to as " two years' separation ") and the respondent consents to a decree being granted

(e) that the parties to the marriage have lived apart for acontinuous period of at least five years immediately preceding the presentation of the petition (hereafter in this Act referred to as " five years' separation ")



1 คู่สมรสคนใดคนหนึ่งมีชู้

2 พฤติกรรมส่วนตัวของคู่สมรสที่ทำให้อีกฝ่ายไม่สามารถจะอยู่ร่วมกันได้ เช่น ทำร้ายร่างกาย หรือไม่ยอมออกค่าใช้จ่ายในบ้าน เป็นต้น

3 การถูกทอดทิ้ง เป็นระยะเวลา 2 ปี

4 การแยกกันอยู่เป็นระยะเวลา 2 ปี และอีกฝ่ายยินยอมในการหย่า เช่น อยู่กันคนละห้อง หรือคนละชั้น ตราบใดที่ทั้งคู่ไม่ได้ปฏิบัติต่อกันฉันท์สามีภรรยา

5 คู่สมรสแยกกันอยู่เป็นเวลา 5 ปี และอีกฝ่ายไม่ยินยอมหย่า



Flag of Germany

German Civil Code BGB

Book 4

Family Law

Division 1

Civil marriage

Title 7 Divorce

Subtitle 1 Grounds of divorce

Section 1564

Divorce by judicial decision

A marriage may be dissolved by divorce only by judicial decision on the petition of one or both spouses. The marriage is dissolved when the decision becomes final and absolute. The conditions under which a petition for divorce may be made follow from the following provisions.

Section 1565

Breakdown of marriage

(1) A marriage may be dissolved by divorce if it has broken down. The marriage has broken down if the conjugal community of the spouses no longer exists and it cannot be expected that the spouses restore it.

(2) Where the spouses have not yet lived apart for one year, the marriage may be dissolved by divorce only if the continuation of the marriage would be an unreasonable hardship for the petitioner for reasons that lie in the person of the other spouse.

Section 1566

Presumption of breakdown

(1) It is irrebuttably presumed that the marriage has broken down if the spouses have lived apart for a year and both spouses petition for divorce or the respondent consents to divorce.

(2) It is irrebuttably presumed that the marriage has broken down if the spouses have lived apart for three years.

Section 1567

Living apart

(1) The spouses are living apart if there is no domestic community between them and a spouse recognisably does not intend to create this because he rejects conjugal community. Domestic community also no longer exists if the spouses live apart in the matrimonial home.

(2) Living together for a short period which is intended to reconcile the spouses does not interrupt or suspend the periods laid down in section 1566.

Section 1568

Hardship clause

(1) The marriage should not be dissolved by divorce, although it has broken down, if and as long as the maintenance of the marriage, in the interest of minor children of the family, is, exceptionally, necessary for particular reasons or if and as long as divorce, by reason of extraordinary circumstances, would be such a severe hardship for the respondent, who rejects it, that the maintenance of the marriage, exceptionally, appears to be advisable, even taking into account the concerns of the petitioner.

(2) (repealed)


ประเทศไต้หวัน Taiwan 

Flag of Taiwan

Article 1052 of Taiwan's Civil Code lists the following grounds for statutory divorce:

1. Bigamy.

2. Adultery.

3. One spouse ill-treats the other so as to render living together intolerable.

4. One spouse humiliates the linear ascendants of the other spouse such that living together becomes intolerable.

5. One spouse deserts the other spouse in bad faith.

6. One spouse has a loathsome incurable disease.

7. One spouse has an incurable serious mental disease.

8. One spouse has made an attempt to end the life of the other.

9. One spouse is uncertain for a period in excess of three years as to whether the other spouse is alive or dead.

10. One spouse has been sentenced to imprisonment for not less than three years.

Section II of the same Article also stipulates that one spouse may apply for a divorce upon the occurrence of a significant event, other than those set forth above, which makes maintenance of the marriage difficult.



Flag of China



Flag of Japan


Sub-Section 2 Judicial Divorce

(Judicial Divorce – Causes)

Article 770. Husband or Wife can bring an action for divorce only in the following cases:

 (1) If the other spouse has committed an act of unchastity;

 (2) If he or she has been deserted maliciously by the other spouse;

 (3) If it is unknown for three years or more whether the other spouse is alive or dead;

 (4) If the other party is attached with severe mental disease and recovery therefrom is hopeless;

 (5) If the exists any other grave reason for which it is difficult for him or her to continue the marriage.

     2. Even in cases where any or all of the grounds mentioned in items (1) to (4) inclusive of the preceding paragraph exist, the court may dismiss the action for divorce, if it deems the continuance of the marriage proper in view of all the circumstances.

(Custody of children, resumption of surname, distribution of property, genealogical records, etc.)

Article 771. The provisions of Articles 766 to 769 inclusive shall apply mutatis mutandis to judicial divorce.





Flag of China


หมวด 4 ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างบิดามารดากับบุตร

มาตรา 15 บุตรนอกสมรสย่อมมีสิทธิเช่นเดียวกับบุตรที่เกิดระหว่างการสมรส ห้ามมิบุคคลใดทำอันตรายหรือกระทำการลำเอียงต่อบุตรนอกสมรส

    หากมารดาของบุตรนอกสมรสหรือพยานหลักฐานอื่นใดพิสูจน์ได้ว่าผู้ใดเป็นบิดา ผู้นั้นต้องรับผิดชอบต่อค่าอุปการะเลี้ยงดู และการศึกษาทั้งหมดหรือบางส่วนจนกว่าบุตรนอกสมรสจะมีอายุครบ 18 ปี


    ในกรณีที่มารดาของบุตรนอกสมรสทำการสมรสให้นำบทบัญญัติของมาตรา 22 มาใช้บังคับในส่วนที่เกี่ยวกับการอุปการะเลี้ยงดูบุตร


รัฐแคลิฟอร์เนีย สหรัฐอเมริกา

Flag of California2

California Law

Probate Code - PROB

6453. For the purpose of determining whether a person is a “natural parent” as that term is used in this chapter:

(a) A natural parent and child relationship is established where that relationship is presumed and not rebutted pursuant to the Uniform Parentage Act (Part 3 (commencing with Section 7600) of Division 12 of the Family Code).

(b) A natural parent and child relationship may be established pursuant to any other provisions of the Uniform Parentage Act, except that the relationship may not be established by an action under subdivision (c) of Section 7630 of the Family Code unless any of the following conditions exist:

(1) A court order was entered during the father’s lifetime declaring paternity.

(2) Paternity is established by clear and convincing evidence that the father has openly held out the child as his own.

(3) It was impossible for the father to hold out the child as his own and paternity is established by clear and convincing evidence.

(c) A natural parent and child relationship may be established pursuant to Section 249.5.

(Amended by Stats. 2004, Ch. 775, Sec. 9. Effective January 1, 2005.)



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